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Showing posts from November, 2007

Does party affiliation matter?

R epresentative Ron Paul hedged recently when asked whether he'd support the Republican nominee, regardless of who it might be and it's a safe bet it won't be him. In essence, Dr. Paul replied that his support would wholly depend upon the candidate's willingness to end the war and other positions about which Dr. Paul feels strongly.  I respect his fidelity to core principles but I'm not clear why Dr. Paul remains a Republican except perhaps out of political expediency.  Several of his views are out of touch with the party mainstream which begs the question -- does party affiliation matter anymore? Shirley Chisholm: Wikipedia Growing up in fiercely independent and purple  Wisconsin , I recall hearing a familiar line from adults, "I vote for the man, not the party." (And in those days, with few exceptions, like Shirley Chisholm, it was overwhelmingly men). As an impressionable kid, I respected adults who publicly affirmed beliefs in something hi...

So, do you like financial humor?

If so, please check out this month's "back story" from the November issue of Conde Nast Port f olio magazine . The piece I refer to is called the "2005 SUBPRIME-MORTGAGE APPLICATION" Note the free bank check at the bottom of the page with inscription on center, "DUPLICATE AS NEEDED". Port f olio is a new and inspired business periodical. I give its creators plaudits not only because I cackled for five minutes after reading the aforementioned spoof on lax mortgage underwriting practices, but also because this magazine contains incisive stories, fine writing and an attractive layout. It is likely to succeed in an already crowded space.