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Showing posts from January, 2008

NOW, that's an outrage

I never thought I'd find myself on the same side of anything as Ted Kennedy -- until NOW.  A press release from The New York Chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW) has attacked Senator Ted Kennedy for endorsing Barack Obama.  The chapter has called the Senator's action, the "ultimate betrayal" since apparently, a vote for anyone but Hillary is beyond their sensibilities. National Organization For Women, public logo In fairness, the NOW national organization has officially disavowed this insipid press release, but even that might not blunt the near-term reputation damage -- compliments of its New York chapter.

I'm sure he gets better advice than mine...

but I do not understand why Senator Obama highlights relatively innocuous aspects of Hillary Clinton's history like service on Walm art 's board (is that a crime?) when there is so much else to choose from. Ms. Clinton burst on to the national scene in 1992 when she insulted American women who choose to stay home and raise their children (remember her "bake cookies" comment?).  Then we learned about her involvement in FileGate and TravelGate . Ms. Clinton later made preposterous statements to the press about a "vast right wing conspiracy" when asked about her husband's peccadilloes which were already well chronicled.  One could go on and on. Now she criticizes Senator Obama for the quality of clients he represented while in private practice.  I bet Ms. Clinton would much prefer to discuss her board memberships than many other issues that stained her political dossier.  Why does Senator Obama choose Walmart?

Behaving un-presidential

I 'm intrigued by all the disapproval  of former President Bill Clinton's recent speech-making. When Senator Ted Kennedy is unhappy with the Clintons , you know it's an unusual time.  Some have criticized Mr. Clinton's bare-knuckled comments to promote his wife's candidacy as " un-presidential " which seems like a fair charge to me.  What happened to ex-Presidents and a long tradition of publicly-muted retirement? I've long been enamored with Mr. Clinton's intelligence, his command of complex issues and I do believe he cares about the average citizen.  He's also a magnificent speaker and a gifted politician and a Dem with some fiscal moorings.  There's much to admire in this man. On the other hand, he used the Oval Office like a sex parlor, deceived the American people about it, lied under oath, rented the Lincoln bedroom, pardoned billionaire tax cheat Mark Rich and one could go on.  How consistently did he behave in a "president...

A toast to South Carolina

T he Palmetto state makes me proud tonight.  I love  its motto: Dum Spiro Spero ( while I breathe, I hope ). South Carolina state flag Consider the beginning to tonight's Republican debate in Myrtle Beach -- a chorus of men in suits and women in lovely white dresses all singing the Star Spangled Banner.   My, how radical.  For me, it was a perfect start to the debate.

State of Wisconsin flubs identity handling (redux)

Haven't we seen this movie before? The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported today that a state mailing may have compromised the identities of thousands of Wisconsinites because of Social Security numbers that were inadvertently printed on mailing labels. I published a column last year in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel after approximately 171,000 taxpayer social security numbers adorned the front of tax booklets. I also mentioned in that column, another breach (not cited in today's Journal Sentinel story) by a human resources aide who mishandled social security numbers of state assembly members. In the midst of all of this carelessness, is a blame game. It appears that the State Department of Health and Family Services and Governor Doyle's spokesman, Matt Canter, are feigning indignation in order to place the blame squarely on the vendor, EDS. I remember the Mea Culpa letter last year from the printer that accompanied a similar letter from the Department of Revenue e...

Public education and "choice"

Some public education voices extol a right to choice that includes free-from-faith learning environments.  Public Teachers Unions have also historically chosen to fight performance standards intended to hold their members accountable. clip art Yesterday’s blog post from Patrick McIlheran is spot on.  Mr. McIlheran makes the point that when parents choose alternatives to public education for their children, the principle of free choice often vanishes from teacher unions' consciousness and they behave as though they are the victims.   I'll always choose to support a strong public education system, but I also choose to  reject the views  of those who are antagonistic, if not hostile toward alternative education.  We also need adoption of reasonable and enforceable performance standards for public school teachers.  


Hillary Clinton, official public photo Repudiation.  It's an appropriate word to describe Hillary Clinton's third place finish in Iowa tonight. The leading spender finishes third.