C ontrast two recent cases that received national media focus: the arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. and video tape of ACORN employees giving advice to individuals posing as operators of an under-aged prostitution business. In the first case, the President declares that law enforcement officers in the Gates case, " acted stupidly " then he hosts an awkward reconciliation meeting over beers on the White House lawn. In the second case, the President demurs when asked to share his opinion about the ACORN workers and Congressional action to stop federal funding for their organization. President Obama did say that actions he viewed on the ACORN videotape were " inappropriate " and deserved to be investigated, but then he added... " This is not the biggest issue facing the country. It is not something I'm paying a lot of attention to ." Nor should he have paid much attention to a civil disturbance involving one man in Cambridge, Mas...
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