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Showing posts from February, 2012

My take on GOP presdential candidates

Ron Paul, Wikipedia Ron Paul -- I remain conflicted about Ron Paul.  The reasons are simple and shared by a number of GOP voters.  Let's first look at the plus side.  I love the man on fiscal policy.  As he once described his zeal to cut federal spending, “ I am absolutely convinced it is the only road to prosperity .”  On monetary policy -- Ron Paul is the gold standard (pun intended). If not for the Tea Party, I'd have bolted from the Republican Party a few years ago because I wasn't seeing enough Republicans walk the fiscal talk that Rep. Paul walks every day.  Then I discovered Ron Paul.  When Ron Paul says he'd cut a trillion dollars in federal spending year one, he even tells you how he'd do it .  When he talks about The Fed's destructive, easy money policies -- he means it.  I admire his courage and consistency.  Unfortunately, Rep. Paul's foreign p...