A s a teen, I once scraped together enough money to buy a hamburger at a diner, then sat down at a table and waited and waited. I watched waitresses serving customers around me and after a long period, I caught the attention of one waitress. I asked her if someone could take my order. She replied that another waitress had seen me steal a tip and that's why nobody would wait on me. The charge was bogus. I had taken nothing. I protested the charge and left the diner with emotions that affected me decades later and even as I write these words. I never learned the identity of my accuser. The point of the story is that if one is going to charge another of being a thief, one must be able to back up the accusation, or there ought to be consequences for the accuser . Slanderous or libelous commentary is allowed in America's political environment because it's accepted as...
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