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Showing posts from April, 2021

Calling the market peak -- REVISITED

 Greetings! Based upon feedback I received from one of my valued seven readers, what follows is a refinement of the views expressed in the previous post about market timing.   Recall we're talking about predicting the direction of the equity market as a whole, or a large swath of it like the S&P 500 ---  not individual stocks. I didn't mean to imply that one cannot utilize deep experience and technical analysis to correctly predict a stock market peak (or trough) some of the time.   There's an old saying that even a broken clock is right twice a day.   However, who's consistently made these bold calls with enough accuracy to "beat" the market?  If you accept the proposition that the answer to that last question is nobody -- why would one ever wager more than they could afford to lose by trying?   Vector created by pikisuperstar -

Think you can call the market peak? Think again.

I  know most of my limitations.  I learned a while ago, for example, that I'm not a stock picker.  I also learned that trying to predict the stock market's trajectory is an often futile and dangerous exercise.   One financial adviser whom I've known for decades addressed the oft-asked question --  When-will-the-stock-market-crash?  -- in his recent client newsletter.  A Minneapolis-based adviser with Focus Financial he wrote...    "The chances of individuals guessing when the stock market is going to crash is approximately the same as my guessing when the sun is going to explode.  Since I can't reasonably hazard a guess, I prefer to go about my day without worrying about the sun exploding." Animals vector by -

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