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Showing posts from September, 2023

Biden family storm potential

Image by vecstock on Freepik I f President Joe Biden didn't have enough to worry about with epic low approval ratings, a massive border crisis, rampant inflation, unclaimed cocaine deposits in the White House and a deeply polarized Congress, the corruption charges levied against NJ Senator Bob Menendez yesterday reminded me of the President's other smoldering problems...   #1.   " 10 held by H for the big guy? "  According to an article from the Washington Post  Fact Checker, an email from one of Hunter's business associates proposes a profit allocation of 20% for each associate except for Hunter's Uncle Jim Biden, who would get 10% -- and a remaining 10% allocable to the "big guy" which would be held by Hunter.    The email author has asserted that the big guy actually refers to Jim Biden, not Joe Biden.  However, one of the other business associates in receipt of the email, said that's false and that it actually referred to Hunter Bid...

A late summer rant and a rave

Image by macrovector on Freepik 1. Let's start with a new movie called, " Dumb Money ".  After watching the trailer  for Dumb Money and seeing a couple of ads, the experience raised a question in my it OK to criticize a film one has never seen?  Logic dictates that the answer is no.  Call me illogical. What turned me off initially was the commercial touting how the film " a riotous middle finger to the capitalist swine on Wall Street."  My, how deliciously Populist.  The film creators have obviously positioned Dumb Money as a paean to the little guy fighting against the evil asset managers, punctuated with an F-bomb per minute, until the digitally-wired counter culture decks the big money guys holding a large short position.   Yes it happened, but I'm tired of class war art.  In this case, people will make a lot of money by trashing Capitalism and its adherents.  Quite a paradox. 2. Let's end with a positive tak...