T his week, the author of a Barron's cover story posits that it's time for the Fed to raise interest rates. The macro debate for and against doing so, I'll leave for economists. The argument in favor of raising rates, however, sounds like this... The Barron's article titled, "C'mon Ben!" is accompanied by a reminder that keeping rates so low "hurts savers." Additional fallout from a low rate environment mentioned by author Andrew Barry , includes the stoking of inflationary flames and erosion of the dollar. It's too bad that the policy notion of helping savers to save more, seems to fall on deaf ears. The Fed keeps the cheap money flowing, but also keeps our returns from savings accounts, money markets, CDs, etc. -- at paltry levels. When will we reward citizens who save and invest conservatively, instead of the masses who borrow primarily to consume, or organizations incented to make highly-levera...
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